

April 11, 2011

Web Programming with AJAX

Tweet The utilization of AJAX in web development process is relatively new compared to HTML and Javascript. AJAX is a combination of Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, […]
April 10, 2011

Transformation from VB to VB .NET

Tweet Visual Basic .NET (shortly known as VB.NET) is an object oriented programming language implemented on .NET framework. .NET is basically a software framework developed by […]
April 8, 2011

Web programming with ASP.NET using C#

Tweet ASP.net is Microsoft’s latest platform for Web application development – to build dynamic web sites, services and applications. Being more efficient and systematic than its […]
April 7, 2011

Objective C and C

Tweet Objective C is dominant programming language when we talk about iPhone applications development. Broadly speaking, objective C can be called a more refined form of […]
January 18, 2011

Joomla or Drupal, how to choose the right CMS

Tweet Trying to evaluate the most popular Content Management Systems, Joomla and Drupal, we can find great advantages using these systems. Drupal users feel that their […]
January 15, 2011

C# and ASP.Net

Tweet Maybe you’re asking about the difference between ASP.NET and C# Web Projects. Many programmers are convinced that C# is for desktop applications and ASP.NET is […]
January 13, 2011

MS Access versus SQL Server

Tweet You may ask “MS Access has such great features, is really user friendly, why would I change my preferences and use other database package?”  If […]
July 15, 2010

PHP – Send HTML email tutorial

Tweet PHP mail is a simple mail function for PHP. It is used to send emails right from your web pages. It also allows you to […]